A place for insight, analysis and action.
5 November 2018
Supporting young people
by CYP worker
A personal reflection on why this year's Quaker youth work conference focuses on supporting young people exploring their gender.
25 October 2018
Could you be a prison chaplain?
by Marleen Schepers
Quaker prison chaplains provide spiritual support and friendship to prisoners and staff – and we need more of them in British prisons says Marleen Schepers.
23 October 2018
Never again? Inspiring peace for Remembrance Day
by Ellis Brooks
Ellis Brooks explains how a UK-wide youth project is marking the centenary of the end of WWI by offering children another perspective on war.
15 October 2018
Why are there foodbanks in a rich country?
by Ben Foley
Millions of people in the UK are dependent on food banks to survive. Ben Foley shares an opportunity for Quakers to protect and improve Britain's broken social security system.
2 October 2018
Choosing nonviolence in the midst of war
by Ellis Brooks
In the midst of war and suicide bombings, Afghan Peace Volunteers choose nonviolence – Ellis Brooks reflects on that commitment.
28 September 2018
Working with the government on climate policy: what we’ve learned
by Paul Parker
Paul Parker shares some reasons for cautious optimism after meeting the Minister of State for Energy and Clean Growth, and explains why the Quaker voice for climate counts.
21 September 2018
Quakers say there’s ‘room for more’ at the meeting house table
by Suki Ferguson
Quaker Week begins Saturday 29 September. Suki Ferguson explains what's happening this year, and what support is on offer to meetings who are reaching out to their local communities.
14 September 2018
Challenging armed forces visits to schools
by Mairi Campbell-Jack
Thanks to more than three years of campaigning work, visits from the armed forces to schools in Scotland are coming under greater scrutiny says Mairi Campbell-Jack.
14 September 2018
Three ways Quakers are changing attitudes to plastic
by Suki Ferguson
The harmful effects of discarded plastics on our environment are causing increasing concern. Suki Ferguson looks at three different ways Quakers are tackling the issue.
31 August 2018
Sowing seeds for a Quaker new economy
by Olivia Hanks
A Quaker entrepreneur has turned his hand to mustard-making. Olivia Hanks looks at how the business is part of a new economy informed by Quaker ethics.