A place for insight, analysis and action.
14 May 2019
What does climate breakdown have to do with our work on migration?
by Tatiana Garavito
There will be no climate justice if we fail to address toxic colonial legacies and build lasting new connections, writes Tatiana Garavito.
7 May 2019
European Parliament elections: our chance to steady Europe’s course
by Quaker Council for European Affairs
In the run-up to the European Parliament elections, Martin Leng explores how the Quaker Council for European Affairs is supporting people to tackle anti-migrant hate speech together.
3 May 2019
10 things the government could do to rethink security
by Marigold Bentley
With new Secretaries of Defence and International Development, Marigold Bentley shares 10 things they could do to champion an alternative vision of security.
18 April 2019
A YouTube guide to peacebuilding and nonviolence
by Tobias Wellner
YouTube doesn't have to be about violence, hate speech or funny videos of cats. Tobias Wellner shares how he's using YouTube videos to help build skills in peace and nonviolence.
5 April 2019
INF treaty collapse: a call to disarm
by Daniel Jakopovich
Daniel Jakopovich reflects on worrying global developments around nuclear weapons and what Quakers can do to create a culture of peace.
3 April 2019
What's it like to be a Sanctuary Meeting?
by Chloe Scaling
From vegetarian lunches to campaigning on indefinite detention, Chloe Scaling finds out how Cardiff Quaker Meeting became a Sanctuary Meeting that aims to provide a warm welcome to people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.
1 April 2019
Sharing the costs: Opening access to Yearly Meeting 2019
by Ann Pfeiffer
Ann Pfeiffer shares how the support of Friends will help more Quakers in Britain take part in our annual gathering.
29 March 2019
Beyond Brexit
by Jessica Metheringham
Jessica Metheringham reflects on how the call for 'leaders of integrity' applies to us as well as to politicians.
28 March 2019
Responding creatively in divided times
by Lisa Cumming
What might living adventurously in divided times look like? Lisa Cumming from Turning the Tide shares some ideas.
21 March 2019
Seeking transformation, not retribution in East Africa
by Lisa Cumming
Lisa Cumming shares what she's learned from East African social change activists who have come together to form a new regional network with nonviolence at its core.