A place for insight, analysis and action.
8 March 2021
Why the nuclear debate must uplift women’s voices
by Joe Jukes
Joe Jukes from CND Peace Education discusses women's involvement and explores why justice is central to the nuclear debate.
12 February 2021
Getting to the root of things: peace, crime and justice
by Teresa Parker
Teresa Parker explores how the radicalism of the Quaker peace testimony can be found in today's Build Back Better campaign.
28 January 2021
How Quakers in Devon secured a home for people seeking refuge
by Philip Wood
Philip Wood speaks to Exmouth Quakers about how they were able to support people in their local community.
21 January 2021
Contacting your MP: why, when and how
by Grace Da Costa
Grace Da Costa introduces a new resource to help Quakers connect with politicians and make change happen.
18 December 2020
Justice around the world: building back better for all
by Tatiana Garavito
Tatiana Garavito explains why collective action during the pandemic demonstrates how we can build back better for all.
18 December 2020
The nuclear ban treaty: why international law matters
by Marigold Bentley
Marigold Bentley explains why international law is a vital part of the toolkit for creating a better world.
3 December 2020
How Quakers are championing democracy
by Grace Da Costa
Recent government initiatives are making it more difficult for campaigning voices from faith and other groups to be heard. Grace Da Costa explores the impact of this chilling effect on civil society, and shares what Quakers are doing to counteract it.
8 October 2020
9 voices the Department for Education would ban from schools
by Ellis Brooks
Ellis Brooks questions new guidance for English schools that silences discussion of capitalism and breaking unjust laws.
17 September 2020
Roots and branches: sharing and supporting our Quaker work
by Maisa Monteiro
Maísa Monteiro explains how she found a new way to illustrate the varied work Britain Yearly Meeting does with and on behalf of Quakers.
3 September 2020
Racial justice learning for Quakers: a reflection
by Karen Dickson
Karen Dickson reflects on a recent series of workshops about committing to action on racial justice.