Search results for '2018年11月10日足彩比赛结果『2TBH·COM』双色球神采飞扬171422023年1月31日19时35分14秒'

Displaying 11 - 20 of 40 in total


Faith leaders' call to action on climate crisis

Updated 8 July 2020

As the lockdown to combat COVID-19 eases, faith leaders are urging every sector of civil society to use this opportunity to work together to create a better world.

Faith leaders' call to action on climate crisis


The power of words: Holocaust Memorial Day 2018

Updated 10 September 2021

I have attended the national commemoration to mark International Holocaust Memorial Day in London for several years. It is a deeply moving event and each time it manages to explore not only what happened in Europe to many Jewish, gay, disabled, Roma and communist people in the Holocaust, but also reminds us all of the subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

The power of words: Holocaust Memorial Day 2018


10 things the government could do to rethink security

Updated 14 November 2019

One of the good things about a new person taking over a job is that they can take a fresh look at the tasks in hand and ask: what's working? What's not? What might be out of date?It can be an opportunity for a rethink.

10 things the government could do to rethink security


11 ways to support the arms fair protesters

Updated 25 September 2017

The Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEI) event, despite its sanitised title, is actually the world's largest arms fair. The recent week of action to stop it happening saw many inspiring acts of witness.

11 ways to support the arms fair protesters


After the Gathering: 11 ways to live out our Quaker faith in the world

Updated 17 February 2020

I left Yearly Meeting Gathering with a sense of hope for the future. It took me a while to identify this, given that the daily news discourages a feeling as impertinent as hope. This Yearly Meeting Gathering was the culmination of a three-year arc looking at living out Quaker faith in the world, and it felt like many seeds for change were sown. Which of these seeds will grow? Which will take root? Which will flourish for years to come?

11 ways to live out Quaker faith in the world


Working for peace in East Africa during the Covid-19 crisis

Updated 29 April 2020

Coronavirus has now reached East Africa. Unlike many European countries, most governments in East Africa were very quick to impose movement restrictions in an effort to lessen the spread of the virus.

Working for peace in East Africa during the Covid-19 crisis


Sharing the costs: Opening access to Yearly Meeting 2018

Updated 2 February 2018

Yearly Meeting, the annual gathering of Quakers in Britain, is set to take place on 4–7 May 2018 at Friends House in London. The four-day event will see Friends come together to worship, make decisions, and spend time together.

Sharing the costs: opening access to Yearly Meeting 2018


Shaping our future: children and young people at Yearly Meeting 2018

Updated 14 February 2018

When I first started working for Quakers in Britain, one of the things I found most impressive was the way children and young people are enabled to take part in the biggest decisions.

Shaping our future: children and young people at Yearly Meeting 2018


Yearly Meeting 2019

Updated 19 December 2018

MfS 2018 11 18 - Living up to our sustainability commitment

MfS 2018 11 18 - Living up to our Sustainability Commitment.pdf



Updated 30 August 2017

CIRcular Issue 35
