Quaker faith & practice
This page is an introduction to the Quaker book of discipline and details of how to contribute to its revision. Also where to view and buy copies of Quaker faith and practice and Advices and queries.
...a treasure-house of psychological and spiritual wisdom...
- Rosemary Harthill - The Tablet
Quaker faith & practice (offsite link) is available to read online. You can also buy hardback, paperback and e-book copies of Quaker faith & practice from the Quaker bookshop website. You can order Advices and queries from supportmeetings@quaker.org.uk.
The text in
Quaker faith & practice (offsite link) is an attempt to express truth through the vital personal and corporate experience of Friends. It is largely composed of extracts from Friends' writings: a fitting way of expressing the breadth of Quaker theology. It also describes the current structures and practices of Britain Yearly Meeting.
The Quaker faith & practice website contains the full and unabridged text of the fifth edition, published in December 2013 as well as the new chapter 16 - Quaker marriage procedure - published in 2015.
Yearly Meeting 2018 agreed to revise book of discipline
Welcoming the decision to revise Quaker faith & practice, Paul Parker, recording clerk said: "Once in a generation, Quakers decide to take a long hard look at our faith, what it means to us, and what we can say about it. Today's bold decision to revise Quaker faith & practice means it's time for us to do that again. It's exciting. We want to hear the insights of younger and more diverse people, and set out how we are a faith fit for the 21st century. I'm looking forward to it."
Suggestions for new content are welcome. You can make suggestions via this online form, by email to qfp@quaker.org.uk, or by writing to to Revision Committee, Friends House, Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ.
References and resources
The text of Quaker faith & practice refers to this website in several places.
3.28 Speaking out on behalf of Quakers (PDF)
4.02 Model documents for charitable registration
4.14 Safeguarding advice from Quaker Life
4.25 Guidelines for appeal group conduct are available from the Recording Clerk.
4.29 Testimonies to the Grace of God – an enduring presence (PDF)
4.39 Guidance for clerks and custodians on creation, care and custody of records
8.02 BYM governing document (PDF)
8.16 Membership, responsibilities and duties of BYM Trustees (see terms of reference)
9.12 Relevant constitutional texts relating to CTBI are available from the Recording Clerk.
12.06 Guidance on pastoral care
13.44 Treasurers' Handbook
13.51 Contact details for Quaker prison ministers/chaplains
14.17 Treasurers' Handbook
14.25 Care of Meeting Houses Handbook
14.26 Information about meeting houses' funds is available on the Treasurers' pages and from Quaker Finance and Property department.
15.06 Handbook for trustees of Quaker meetings
17.11 Order for burial form (PDF)