Accompaniment lies at the heart of our approach to peacebuilding in Britain. Practically, this includes getting alongside those engaged in peacebuilding efforts such as community dialogue work and larger-scale conflict analysis and interventions.

If you are noticing tensions or dealing with a tricky conflict in your local community and would like to speak to one of the Peacebuilding in Britain team, we invite you to get in touch.

We are convening some informal and supportive spaces to share experiences, difficulties and dilemmas, as well as good stories of local peacebuilding. These spaces help our team connect with and help strengthen the work of Quakers who are building capacities for peace in their local communities.

Quaker Interfaith Peacebuilding group – meets online quarterly. Open to all Quakers in Britain active or interested in becoming active in local interfaith peacebuilding activity. Get in touch if you would like to join us.

Quaker Peacebuilding Network – meets online quarterly. Open to all Quakers in Britain active or interested in becoming active in local peacebuilding activity. This is distinctly work that helps communities to resolve differences peacefully and lay the foundations to prevent violence in its different forms. Get in touch if you would like to join us.