A place for insight, analysis and action.
20 December 2019
How to heal divided communities: 5 tips from East African peace campaigners
by Tobias Wellner
Tobias Wellner takes a look at what we can learn from the successes of community peacebuilders in Rwanda and beyond.
5 August 2019
Untangling the web: change through international structures
by Faith Biddle
Faith Biddle reflects on how her experiences at the Quaker United Nations Summer School reignited the desire to build a better world.
18 April 2019
A YouTube guide to peacebuilding and nonviolence
by Tobias Wellner
YouTube doesn't have to be about violence, hate speech or funny videos of cats. Tobias Wellner shares how he's using YouTube videos to help build skills in peace and nonviolence.
21 March 2019
Seeking transformation, not retribution in East Africa
by Lisa Cumming
Lisa Cumming shares what she's learned from East African social change activists who have come together to form a new regional network with nonviolence at its core.
7 February 2019
Turning the Tide: a year of nonviolent campaigning in East Africa
by Tobias Wellner
From campaigning against domestic violence to helping a village get connected with electricity, the Quaker-supported work of Turning the Tide has been making a big difference in East Africa. Tobias Wellner shares some highlights from the past year.
23 December 2018
COP24: How did it go?
by Quaker United Nations Office
Quaker United Nations Office representatives attended the December climate change summit COP24. Lindsey Fielder Cook explores how it went.
10 December 2018
Migrant rights are human rights
by Quaker United Nations Office
Cassidy McKenna explains how Quakers can use a new UN agreement to push for a more welcoming and humane environment for migrants to Britain.
2 October 2018
Choosing nonviolence in the midst of war
by Ellis Brooks
In the midst of war and suicide bombings, Afghan Peace Volunteers choose nonviolence – Ellis Brooks reflects on that commitment.
21 May 2018
Stand with Quakers in France to stop the biggest arms fair of 2018
by Sam Walton
Sam Walton reflects on recent Quaker nonviolent resistance to the arms trade, as plans to disrupt the Eurosatory arms fair in Paris this June take shape.
17 May 2018
3 things that East African community peace campaigners can teach us
by Tobias Wellner
Peacebuilding needs diversity and courage writes Tobias Wellner.