A place for insight, analysis and action.
23 October 2018
Never again? Inspiring peace for Remembrance Day
by Ellis Brooks
Ellis Brooks explains how a UK-wide youth project is marking the centenary of the end of WWI by offering children another perspective on war.
2 October 2018
Choosing nonviolence in the midst of war
by Ellis Brooks
In the midst of war and suicide bombings, Afghan Peace Volunteers choose nonviolence – Ellis Brooks reflects on that commitment.
17 August 2018
Starting conversations about militarism
by Ellis Brooks
A new poster is opening up difficult conversations about militarism in and out of the classroom.
3 April 2018
8 questions Gavin Williamson needs to answer about army schools
by Ellis Brooks
We need to ask some serious questions about the government's pursuit of military ethos in schools, argues Ellis Brooks.
14 March 2018
Reclaim the sky for peace
by Ellis Brooks
This Persian New Year fly kites not drones says Ellis Brooks, as he calls for solidarity with people affected by armed drone strikes.
10 January 2018
This isn't belonging
by Ellis Brooks
Ellis Brooks speaks out against the call in new British army recruitment adverts to 'find where you belong'.
20 October 2017
Taking action on militarism
by Ellis Brooks
Ellis Brooks outlines recent developments in the rise of militarism in British society and introduces a new resource for anyone looking to resist it.
14 September 2017
11 ways to support the arms fair protesters
by Ellis Brooks
Ellis Brooks suggests 11 ways to support those who took part in the week of action to stop DSEI – the world's largest arms fair, held in London.