A place for insight, analysis and action.
14 September 2023
The climate can't afford the cost of war
by Quaker Roots
This week, the ExCel Centre is hosting an exhibition of weapons of war in the London Borough of Newham. Phil Laurie from Quaker Roots reflects on the contradiction of spending money on the military when we need to be responding to the climate emergency.
31 August 2023
Solidarity, friendship and faith in climate justice
by Rosh Lal
The final module of the Exploring Faith and Climate Justice course considers solidarity across movements. Rosh Lal explores what solidarity means in practice for faith communities in the UK who are taking action on climate.
24 August 2023
The human cost of war
by Quaker Roots
Every two years one of the world's largest arms fairs comes to London. Rosie Horsley from Quaker Roots reflects on what inspires her to take action against it.
16 August 2023
Quaker protest amidst new police powers
by Oliver Robertson & Lyndsay Burtonshaw
New police powers mean protestors face much tighter controls. Oliver Robertson and Lyndsay Burtonshaw take a look at the new legislation and explore why Quakers should continue to put faith into action.
10 August 2023
Talking across the divide
by Bridget Holtom
Bridget Holtom reflects on having conversations with people who may see the world differently, as part of putting faith into action.
3 August 2023
Why should we protest against DSEI?
by Imi Hills
Imi Hills examines why Quakers are called to protest against the arms trade and shares how to get involved with the campaign against one of the world's largest arms fairs.
27 July 2023
Why friendship needs to underpin our action
by Rebecca WalkerWoo
Rebecca WalkerWoo reflects on the final chapter of the Exploring Faith and Climate Justice programme: the power of friendship and solidarity.
19 July 2023
Reparations: learning from Jamaican experience
by Siobhan Haire
Siobhán Haire shares some reflections on meeting with the Churches' Reparations Action Forum.
28 June 2023
We need to reclaim security for everyone
by Charlotte Cooper
Charlotte Cooper explores how a human security approach can help tackle the biggest challenges we all face and invites people to take part in this growing movement.
21 June 2023
Alone, together: Quaker communities for climate justice
by Ailish Ni Cearbhaill
With rising uncertainty about climate breakdown, Ailish Ní Cearbhaill reflects on the importance of finding spaces to spiritually connect.