A place for insight, analysis and action.
6 December 2023
Building Quaker community
by Maisa Monteiro
Maísa Monteiro and Ann Pfeiffer introduce the theme that inspired this year's Contribution pack.
23 November 2023
Travelling in the ministry: sharing joy and community
by Matt Rosen
Travelling to visit and worship with Friends in other Quaker meetings can be one form of ministry. Matt Rosen shares his experience so far.
4 October 2023
Reparations: addressing harm and restoring right relationships
by Ginny Baumann
As Quakers consider next steps on reparations, Ginny Baumann of Streatham and Brixton Meeting suggests we address the harms we have inherited alongside working to be 'good ancestors' on the decisive issue for our times: climate justice.
7 September 2023
Taking my seat again: four years being Churches Together in England's 'Empty Chair' President
by Hannah Brock Womack
Having come to the end of her four-year term as Fourth President, Hannah Brock Womack shares her experience of being prevented from taking up the role for being married to woman.
21 August 2023
Living the spirit of ubuntu: preparing for World Quaker Day
by Tim Gee
In preparation for World Quaker Day on 1 October, Tim Gee shares some thoughts on the word ubuntu, and why Friends are talking about it.
2 August 2023
Your faith, your will
by Beth Follini
Beth Follini looks at how the milestones in her life and her Quaker faith helped her decide what legacy she wanted to leave for future generations.
27 July 2023
Why friendship needs to underpin our action
by Rebecca WalkerWoo
Rebecca WalkerWoo reflects on the final chapter of the Exploring Faith and Climate Justice programme: the power of friendship and solidarity.
19 July 2023
Reparations: learning from Jamaican experience
by Siobhan Haire
Siobhán Haire shares some reflections on meeting with the Churches' Reparations Action Forum.
15 March 2023
Children at Yearly Meeting: reflections from a parent
by Jessica Metheringham
Jessica Metheringham talks about how excited her children are for Yearly Meeting, when Quakers in Britain come together to worship, make decisions and spend time as a community.
14 March 2023
From policy to practice: safeguarding the most vulnerable
by Nick Folkard
Following a report into child sexual abuse in religious settings, Quakers in Britain adopted new safeguarding guidance for Quaker meetings. Nick Folkard explains how York Area Meeting changed its approach.