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Quaker communities news

Clerks Update: September 2023

Updated 13 October 2023

Issue 7 of Clerks' Update in 2023 is now available. This is a key communication channel for local and area meeting clerks.

Clerks Update: September 2023


Yearly Meeting 2023

Updated 6 March 2024

Yearly Meeting 2023

Quaker communities news

Malvern Meeting restart children's meeting

Updated 24 April 2024

Malvern Local Meeting have recently started a regular children's meeting, to coincide with their monthly shared lunch. A group of Friends has been busy planning and organising, with support from their Local Development Worker. The first children's meeting was in January 2024. Children's meeting is now every fourth Sunday at 10.30am.

Malvern Meeting restart their children's meeting after more than 20 years

Yearly Meeting 2024


Updated 28 May 2022

Archived content from past Yearly Meetings, including minutes and videos.

Quaker communities news

Quaker Life Representative Council (QLRC) Autumn 2023

Updated 19 July 2023

Bookings open for Quaker Life Representative Council (QLRC) which will be held in-person at Milton Hill House, Abingdon (OX13 6AF), and as an online blended event.

Quaker Life Representative Council (QLRC) Autumn 2023

Quaker communities news

Quaker Week 2023: 'Simple. Radical. Spiritual.'

Updated 1 August 2023

Quaker Life now has new outreach resources available to order through our Quaker Week campaign for this year: 'Simple. Radical. Spiritual.'

Quaker Week 2023: 'Simple. Radical. Spiritual.'


9 voices the Department for Education would ban from schools

Updated 8 October 2020

Recent Department for Education guidance tells headteachers in England to ensure external organisations, speakers and resources do not take "extremist" stances. These include a stated desire to abolish capitalism and "a failure to condemn illegal activities done in support of their cause". The guidance also bans "victim narratives that are harmful to British society".

9 voices the Department for Education would ban from schools


Syria: 6 things you can do

Updated 19 April 2018

In recent weeks my mind has been occupied with thoughts of Syria. I have spent a lot of time reading the reactions of Syrian activists in the diaspora to the launch of airstrikes, and listening to what my Syrian friends thought, many of whom still have family living there. For those of us not directly impacted by the conflict, and who haven't experienced the unimaginable suffering and loss as a result, what can we do?

Syria: 6 things you can do


6 ways Quakers can support the global climate strike

Updated 4 October 2019

When it comes to the strike, what's the best thing to do? It depends – it might involve taking a full day off work, joining a demo on your lunchbreak, or posting support for the strike on social media. Quakers in Britain staff are coming up with different ways of marking the strike, suited to whether they usually work in hospitality, the London office, or remotely.If you are wondering what strike-day actions might work for you, here are some ideas to help you get started...

6 ways Quakers can support the global climate strike


6 actions you can take for Palestine and Israel

Updated 10 June 2021

We welcomed with deep relief the end to the recent round of bombing in Gaza and firing of rockets into Israel. But while the world's attention may have moved on, the violence and structural oppression of the military occupation of Palestine has not ended and the struggle for equal rights continues.

6 actions you can take for Palestine and Israel