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I work with children and young people in a Quaker setting...

Online meetings

Updated 18 January 2024

Being a community of all ages is vital to our life as Quaker communities. Many meetings meet in blended ways with online and in person elements side by side nd some continue to meet online as they find this serves them well.

Online meetings for children and young people

Quaker processes

Area meeting charities

Updated 2 May 2024

Quaker Life supports Quaker charities and the Friends in roles such as trustees and treasurers who look after them. We produce guidance and other documents to enable them in the service of their communities

Area meeting charities

Our stories

Vigil for defenders of the planet

Updated 16 March 2023

Melanie Jameson shares why some Malvern Quakers are called to join Malvern XR's vigils 'in love and rage for the Earth'.

Vigil for defenders of the planet

Our organisation

Give time

Updated 6 December 2023

Inspired to get involved in Quaker service? Curious about how you can make a difference? Friends who offer service find that they can be led to achieve great things. Take part in a number of different ways.

Give Time

Quaker communities news

Friendship and enjoyment - how young adult Friends in Oxford sustain community

Updated 10 November 2023

Young adult Friends in Oxford organised an enjoyable day of sharing spiritual journeys, lunch, dancing and more for their Bioregional Meeting in October. More than 70 people of all ages from the Area Meetings of Chilterns, Mid-Thames, Banbury & Evesham and Oxford & Swindon joined together.

Friendship and enjoyment - how young adult Friends in Oxford sustain community

Our history

Quakers and WWI

Updated 20 September 2023

Since declaring its commitment to peace in 1660, the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) has opposed all wars. World War I was no different and many Quakers resisted the call to arms.

Quakers and World War I


10 things the government could do to rethink security

Updated 14 November 2019

One of the good things about a new person taking over a job is that they can take a fresh look at the tasks in hand and ask: what's working? What's not? What might be out of date?It can be an opportunity for a rethink.

10 things the government could do to rethink security


5 ways to witness for peace

Updated 6 February 2024

We have all watched in horror as thousands of civilians are killed and displaced in Gaza, in response to the atrocious attacks by Hamas in Israel on 7 October. As Quakers in Britain we have felt compelled to speak out and take action and Friends across the country have too.

5 ways to witness for peace


5 solidarity actions you can take for Palestine and Israel

Updated 6 November 2023

The scale of the violence and harm to civilians is unprecedented and unlike anything in living memory. Hospitals, schools, places of worship, roads, and homes have been decimated, and civilians have been targeted. Faith groups and human rights agencies across the world have called on the international community to act immediately to secure a ceasefire and work to ensure humanitarian aid and access.

5 solidarity actions you can take for Palestine and Israel


Military stand-off over Ukraine: 5 things you can do

Updated 17 February 2022

On 25 January Quakers in Britain issued a statement urging all sides to "engage in urgent de-escalation and commit to resolving the stand-off over Ukraine peacefully". Since then, we have witnessed the continuation of the military build-up. Despite Russia's recent disputed announcement of a partial withdrawal of some troops, there is continued international concern that diplomacy may fail and that a terrible new war may break out.

Military stand-off over Ukraine: 5 things you can do