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Providing housing, making homes: Quaker Housing Trust celebrates 50 years of service

Updated 24 July 2018

Housing is not just about providing 'bricks and mortar', but also about challenging inequalities and prejudices. This is reflected in the range of projects supported by and through Quaker Housing Trust (QHT), a national charity set up by Quakers in 1967.

Providing housing, making homes: Quaker Housing Trust at 50


10 things the government could do to rethink security

Updated 14 November 2019

One of the good things about a new person taking over a job is that they can take a fresh look at the tasks in hand and ask: what's working? What's not? What might be out of date?It can be an opportunity for a rethink.

10 things the government could do to rethink security


A youthful Yearly Meeting

Updated 1 March 2023

Children and young people are a vital part of Yearly Meeting. They gather to look at its themes in age-appropriate ways, build community, explore Quaker faith and practice, experience worship and prayerful decision-making, and of course have lots of fun in a safe space.

A youthful Yearly Meeting


Thinking of attending Yearly Meeting?

Updated 11 January 2023

Are you coming to Yearly Meeting for the first time? Or maybe you have been before and are looking for the essential details on how to attend. Either way, welcome! It's wonderful to see so many Friends.

Thinking of attending Yearly Meeting 2023?


3 things to expect from the Scottish Parliament that aren’t an independence referendum

Updated 19 May 2021

The sixth session of the Scottish Parliament has now begun. While a great deal of coverage of the election has focussed on the prospect of a second independence referendum, there are other issues we should expect to see on the political horizon.

3 things to expect from the Scottish parliament that aren’t an independence referendum


3 Quakers share their approach to climate justice

Updated 22 August 2018

From campaigning against slavery in the 18th century to taking on the arms trade in the 21st, Quakers have a history of working alongside other faith groups for a more just and peaceful world.

3 Quakers share their approach to climate justice


The role of ordinary people

Updated 25 January 2023

Ordinary people can do extraordinary things, for good and ill. We see this most starkly at extreme times, such as during the Nazi Holocaust of the 1940s. The UK remembers this each year on 27 January, and Quakers are invited to take part in Holocaust Memorial Day commemorations.

The role of ordinary people


Preparing for Yearly Meeting through worship sharing

Updated 10 March 2023

Yearly Meeting will be held at the end of April 2023. That may seem like a long time from now (it's only January!) but time steadily creeps on.We're asked to come to Yearly Meeting with hearts and minds prepared, and different people have different ways of preparing. Personally, I value worship sharing with other Friends. This is where members of a group share their thoughts and feelings on a particular subject, specifically within the structures of a period of Quaker worship.

Preparing for Yearly Meeting through worship sharing


What does Quaker community look like in 2023?

Updated 23 December 2022

Quakers are a worshipping community. Our simple way of worshipping, of seeking the leadings of the Spirit for us, depends on us coming together in groups. It is a corporate act, a recognition that the body has many members. We can worship individually, of course – and many Quakers have our own personal spiritual practices – but we recognise that seeking God's will for us is best done together.

What does Quaker community look like in 2023?


Children at Yearly Meeting: reflections from a parent

Updated 15 March 2023

My two children are very excited about Yearly Meeting. I'm excited too.

Children at Yearly Meeting: reflections from a parent