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Displaying 1 - 10 of 33 in total

Test series

Test 4

Updated 15 April 2024

Test 4 introduction

Test 4

Meeting for Sufferings

Papers and minutes

Updated 7 June 2024

This page contains papers for the next meeting. It also provides links to minutes and papers for recent meetings.

Papers and minutes


Stansted 15 appeal upheld

Updated 29 January 2021

Today a group of nonviolent activists, known as the Stansted 15, have had their appeal upheld against being convicted under counter terrorism legislation.

Stansted 15 appeal upheld


Quakers join calls for closure of Gaza to end after 15 years of collective punishment

Updated 22 July 2022

Sixteen UK charities including Quakers in Britain, CAFOD and Christian Aid are asking the UK Government to take urgent action to end the blockade of Gaza.

Quakers join calls for closure of Gaza to end after 15 years of collective punishment


Arrests as arms fair set-up is delayed

Updated 5 September 2019

Many hundreds of Quakers were among people of faith who for nine hours brought to a halt the set-up in London of one of the world's largest arms fairs.

Arrests as arms fair set-up is delayed


​4 ways to hold courageous conversations

Updated 18 February 2020

From Brexit to how best to stop climate breakdown, there are lots of divisive issues about.

4 ways to hold courageous conversations


4 things Quakers are learning about inclusion and diversity

Updated 6 March 2019

Early in 2019 Quakers from all over Britain gathered at Woodbrooke, the Quaker study centre, to explore diversity and inclusion. Framed in Quaker worship, the talks and sessions looked at race, gender and class in particular. Here are some of the key things I took away from the gathering.

4 things Quakers are learning about inclusion and diversity


3 Quakers share their approach to climate justice

Updated 22 August 2018

From campaigning against slavery in the 18th century to taking on the arms trade in the 21st, Quakers have a history of working alongside other faith groups for a more just and peaceful world.

3 Quakers share their approach to climate justice


3 things that East African community peace campaigners can teach us

Updated 18 February 2020

“I'm 66 years old, but my skin is still young. I think that's because of my work as a peacebuilder." Sizeli, a survivor of the Rwandan genocide, says this to me with a big smile on his face.

3 things that East African community peace campaigners can teach us


3 things to expect from the Scottish Parliament that aren’t an independence referendum

Updated 19 May 2021

The sixth session of the Scottish Parliament has now begun. While a great deal of coverage of the election has focussed on the prospect of a second independence referendum, there are other issues we should expect to see on the political horizon.

3 things to expect from the Scottish parliament that aren’t an independence referendum