Search results for 'Earth and Economy'

Displaying 51 - 60 of 135 in total


Letter to the Prime Minister from the Humanitarian and Human Rights Sector on Rafah

Updated 14 February 2024

Alongside other charities and faith organisations, Quakers in Britain have written to the Prime Minister calling on him to use the UK's diplomatic pressure to urge Israel to change course.

Letter to the Prime Minister from the Humanitarian and Human Rights Sector on Rafah


Quakers join global week of action urging insurers to withdraw fossil fuel coverage

Updated 26 February 2024

Quakers and other faiths held a vigil outside Lloyd's of London this Monday, 26 February, urging them to use their power to bring about a safer, prosperous future for all.

Quakers join global week of action urging insurers to withdraw fossil fuel coverage


Stop tinkering with tax rates and offer real reform to address poverty, charities tell Government

Updated 6 March 2024

As the Government announces a 2p cut in national insurance in its 2024 budget, Quakers have joined 90 other organisations in calling for real tax reform.

Stop tinkering with tax rates and offer real reform to address poverty, charities tell Government


How do we build an economy on Quaker principles?

Updated 3 October 2017

One year ago, Quaker Peace & Social Witness began publishing a series of booklets about the new economy. Since then, Quakers in reading groups across Scotland, England and Wales have used these booklets to develop answers to the question: how do we build an economy based on Quaker principles?

How do we build an economy on Quaker principles?


The Clean Growth Strategy – progress, but falling far short of climate justice

Updated 20 October 2017

Last week, the government published its long-awaited Clean Growth Strategy. It's the government's attempt to answer the question of how the UK will fulfil its commitments to cut greenhouse gas emissions under international climate agreements and UK climate law.

The Clean Growth Strategy


Witnessing for peace at a time of Remembrance

Updated 9 December 2022

As Remembrance Day approaches Quakers may find themselves having to consider whether or not to attend community commemorations, church services, parades or participate in wreath-laying. As Quakers, our natural inclination is to stay away from events which seem to glorify Britain's military past. Instead we may wish to focus on events that focus on the cost of war, and that encourage people to work for peace.

Witnessing for peace at a time of Remembrance


Eight ways that Quakers can shape Britain’s economy for the better

Updated 24 November 2017

Thirty Quakers from around Britain recently spent a weekend in Manchester at a new economy training run by the Economics and Sustainability team and subcommittee. Together, they explored what might need to change in order to make our economy into a system that values people and the planet before profit.

8 ways that Quakers can shape Britain’s economy for the better


How we can help prevent tragedies like Grenfell

Updated 17 February 2020

"Action that aims merely to alleviate the worst effects of inequality is not enough. As we wrestle with the implications of our testimony to equality, Quakers feel called to act more radically to tackle the underlying causes. This calling requires spiritual struggle and real practical change." – Meeting for Sufferings, April 2014

How we can help prevent tragedies like Grenfell


Thousands of Quakers are divesting from fossil fuels

Updated 25 January 2018

Quakers that attend local meetings are also members of regional collectives known as area meetings. Area meetings in Britain collectively manage millions of pounds of investments, and almost half of them now have zero investment in fossil fuels. More than 30 per cent have actively chosen to divest huge sums from the fossil fuel industry.

Thousands of British Quakers are divesting from fossil fuels


A Quaker take on Easter

Updated 1 April 2021

In its earliest days, Quakerism was rooted deeply in the Christian story. The language, imagery and ideals that shaped the early Quaker community were deeply influenced by the Bible, both the old and new testaments.

Quakers and Easter