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How to heal divided communities: 5 tips from East African peace campaigners

Updated 23 January 2020

Quakers in Britain support small East African peace organisations to train community peacebuilders. I take a look at what we can learn from their achievements.

How to heal divided communities: 5 tips from East African peace campaigners


The role of ordinary people

Updated 25 January 2023

Ordinary people can do extraordinary things, for good and ill. We see this most starkly at extreme times, such as during the Nazi Holocaust of the 1940s. The UK remembers this each year on 27 January, and Quakers are invited to take part in Holocaust Memorial Day commemorations.

The role of ordinary people


5 ways to make Quaker meeting houses work for the future

Updated 27 September 2018

I'm always a bit anxious when we spend time worrying about Quaker property. Early Quaker George Fox was disparaging about 'steeple houses'. In his radical vision, going to a physical church was not necessary to experience God. Really it's the community that makes up the church, not the premises it meets in.

5 ways to make Quaker meeting houses work for the future


5 things we can do to put Quaker values into Brexit

Updated 16 December 2019

What can members of a faith group committed to peace, equality, integrity and sustainability do to put those values into a post-Brexit Britain? Quite a lot, it turns out. Here are five things that Quakers and those who share Quaker values can do to shape politics in the run-up to the UK's withdrawal from the EU.

5 ways to put Quaker values into Brexit