Search results for 'Earth and Economy'

Displaying 1 - 10 of 135 in total


Exploring Threshing and Clearness

Starts on 27 February 2025

How can threshing, clearness, and other methods help Quakers make good decisions, even in difficult situations? This course will help you understand these processes and think about how to apply them.


Quaker Testimony and Economics: Faith and Practice

Starts on 24 February 2025

What happens when we decide to align our economic activities with our Quaker Testimony? In this interactive online session Pamela Haines, author of Money and Soul, will offer some perspective and lead reflective activities to explore this question.


Healing the Earth, Healing Ourselves

Starts on 23 February 2025

Join us for a free afternoon of panel discussions, workshops, spiritual connection, dance and poetry, creative work, and stalls showcasing the work that faiths are doing for the planet. Co-organised by Faith for the Climate, Christian Climate Action and Quakers in Britain.

Meeting for Sufferings

Papers and minutes

Updated 16 December 2024

This page contains papers for the next meeting. It also provides links to minutes and papers for recent meetings.

Meeting for Sufferings papers and minutes

Climate & economic justice

The spiritual basis for Quaker climate action

Updated 18 October 2024

Generations of Quakers have handed down a sacred commitment to the 'unity of creation'. To live out this commitment, Quakers are taking action to protect the climate and foster sustainable forms of prosperity.

The spiritual basis for Quaker climate action

Quaker communities news

Midlands Green Quakers network brings together those with environmental concerns for monthly learning and support

Updated 3 October 2024

Concern about the environment has moved Quakers in the Midlands to create a network to explore sustainability and climate justice together. They meet online each month to deepen their understanding, share ideas, ask questions and support each other spiritually and practically.

Midlands Green Quakers network brings together those with environmental concerns for monthly learning and support


Militarism and climate breakdown 

Updated 24 September 2024

Quakers are calling on the UK and other governments to respond to the challenge of climate breakdown in a peaceful and cooperative way, rather than with more militarisation.

Militarism and climate breakdown 

Free resources

Peace, social justice, sustainability and faith relations

Updated 18 September 2024

A list of resources relating to current Quaker concerns.

Faith relations, peace, climate and social justice

Climate & economic justice

Climate justice

Updated 7 August 2024

As our current economic system fuels inequality and climate breakdown, Quakers seek just responses to these intertwined crises.

Climate justice


6 ways our new government could build a peaceful and sustainable world

Updated 25 July 2024

Now that the UK has a new government, many will be watching to see how Labour's campaign translates into reality. We'll be hoping, of course, that it will result in positive changes for two topics that perhaps were not as prominent in the election campaign as we would have liked: climate justice and peace.

6 ways our new government could build a peaceful and sustainable world