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Our faith, our work: a look back at 2017

Updated 29 March 2019

I am continually inspired by the breadth, depth and conviction of Quakers' work. Across Britain meetings are taking action inspired by their faith, working to nurture and diversify their communities, and supporting Quaker work to make the world a better place.

A look back at 2017


Eight things we learned at Quaker Activist Gathering 2017

Updated 27 October 2017

There has been a groundswell of activism in 2017, as people respond to threats to women's rights, freedom of movement and our climate, among many other things. As the government are caught up in the detail of enacting Brexit, we're seeing a shift away from lobbying towards less conventional means of influencing Britain's course.

8 things we learned at the 2017 Quaker Activist Gathering


Children at Yearly Meeting: reflections from a parent

Updated 15 March 2023

My two children are very excited about Yearly Meeting. I'm excited too.

Children at Yearly Meeting: reflections from a parent


Remembrance: why it matters

Updated 11 December 2022

As we enter the time of year when Britain again bows its head on Remembrance Sunday, let us look at why it is important to remember and celebrate the alternative stories.

Remembrance: why it matters


10 things the government could do to rethink security

Updated 14 November 2019

One of the good things about a new person taking over a job is that they can take a fresh look at the tasks in hand and ask: what's working? What's not? What might be out of date?It can be an opportunity for a rethink.

10 things the government could do to rethink security