Search results for '皮皮浙江麻将辅助【】大话西游水果机投币机.w7p2c1.2023年2月9日19时39分19秒.666111611'

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Climate & economic justice

Recovering from the pandemic

Updated 13 December 2023

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected everyone around the world. It has also laid bare the deep inequalities in our economic system and society, where 'normal' was failing millions.

Recovering from the pandemic

Yearly Meeting 2024


Updated 28 May 2022

Archived content from past Yearly Meetings, including minutes and videos.

Quaker groups

Breckenbrough School

Updated 6 December 2018

Breckenbrough is a Quaker managed, non-maintained special school for male students aged 9-19 who are on the autistic spectrum, along with other complexities such as ADHD, PDA, dyspraxia and dyslexia. They are one of only a few special schools which support students with high functioning autism in Britain that can offer a full national curriculum up to GCSE and A level standard for students from all over the UK.

Breckenbrough School

Book of Meetings

Area meetings

Updated 23 May 2024

The full listings of area meetings are listed below with generic contact email addresses for each area meeting.

Area meetings


Facing the financial challenge around COVID-19

Updated 11 June 2020

Britain Yearly Meeting had a successful year financially in 2019, with exceptionally high legacy income and a strong performance from its conference and hospitality business at Friends House. Without legacies BYM's expenditure would have been more than its income. The public health crisis around COVID-19 now means that 2020 income will be significantly reduced.

Facing the financial challenge of Covid-19


New move to help charities in COVID-19 crisis

Updated 14 August 2020

As charities face an unprecedented drop in fundraising income caused by the COVID-19 crisis, Quakers in Britain have added their name to the growing list of supporters calling for a temporary increase in Gift Aid.

New move to help charities in COVID-19 crisis


Church leaders united in response to Covid-19

Updated 6 April 2020

Paul Parker, the Recording Clerk for Quakers in Britain, with Church leaders from denominations across Britain and Ireland, have today issued this statement.

Church leaders united in response to Covid-19 pandemic


Cancellation of national Quaker events

Updated 18 March 2020

As the Coronavirus outbreak continues, Quakers in Britain are cancelling four national events planned for March and April. Update: They are advising meetings not to gather in person while the current social distancing guidance is in force.

Cancellation of national Quaker events


Pandemic exacerbates inequalities

Updated 12 May 2020

Quakers in Britain have joined more than 30 other organisations in calling for a green and just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Quakers join call for a green and just recovery from pandemic


Reflection following trustees' meeting

Updated 18 June 2020

Unusually - and appropriately - the reading in our opening worship at Britain Yearly Meeting trustees' meeting recently was not from Quaker faith & practice but from a 2014 blog by Scott Woods:

Reflection following trustees' meeting