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Quaker communities news

Malvern Meeting restart children's meeting

Updated 24 April 2024

Malvern Local Meeting have recently started a regular children's meeting, to coincide with their monthly shared lunch. A group of Friends has been busy planning and organising, with support from their Local Development Worker. The first children's meeting was in January 2024. Children's meeting is now every fourth Sunday at 10.30am.

Malvern Meeting restart their children's meeting after more than 20 years

Book of Meetings

Area meetings

Updated 23 May 2024

The full listings of area meetings are listed below with generic contact email addresses for each area meeting.

Area meetings


9 voices the Department for Education would ban from schools

Updated 8 October 2020

Recent Department for Education guidance tells headteachers in England to ensure external organisations, speakers and resources do not take "extremist" stances. These include a stated desire to abolish capitalism and "a failure to condemn illegal activities done in support of their cause". The guidance also bans "victim narratives that are harmful to British society".

9 voices the Department for Education would ban from schools


Quaker solidarity with the Stansted 15 human rights activists

Updated 21 December 2018

On International Human Rights Day, the Stansted 15, who stopped a brutal and illegal deportation flight in 2017, were convicted for 'endangering an aerodrome', a terrorism-related law.

Quaker solidarity with the Stansted 15 human rights activists


Remembrance: why it matters

Updated 11 December 2022

As we enter the time of year when Britain again bows its head on Remembrance Sunday, let us look at why it is important to remember and celebrate the alternative stories.

Remembrance: why it matters