Search results for 'Earth and Economy'
Displaying 61 - 70 of 135 in total
A quick history of chocolate and Quakerism
Besides oats, the food Quakers are possibly most associated with is chocolate. In the 18th and early 19th centuries British Quakers founded a whole range of businesses, manufacturing everything from shoes to biscuits. But it was the success of the Quaker confectionery companies – Cadbury of Birmingham, Rowntree's of York, and Fry's of Bristol – that left the strongest impression on the public. Unlike the oats, which are Quaker only in name and have no link to Quakers, these businesses were rooted in Quakerism in their early years.
Quakers and chocolate
Buddhists, Quakers and Catholics unite in resistance against fracking
As an intern at Quakers in Britain, I get to work alongside many different colleagues, including those who support Quakers who take action to keep fossil fuels in the ground. Quakers oppose hydraulic fracturing of shale gas – known as 'fracking' – as part of our testimony to sustainability. We advocate for investment in renewable energy sources as an alternative.
Buddhists, Quakers and Catholics unite in resistance against fracking
Sowing seeds for a Quaker new economy
In 2015, dozens of Quakers from around the country contributed to the creation of 10 principles for an new economy rooted in Quaker values of equality, truth, simplicity and peace.
Sowing seeds for a new economy
How can Quaker communities thrive in 2019?
Let's face it, 2019 is probably going to be a challenging year. Continued political uncertainty, the relentless advance of climate change and rising inequality are just a few of the external factors we'll be wrestling with.
How can Quaker communities thrive in 2019?
4 things Quakers are learning about inclusion and diversity
Early in 2019 Quakers from all over Britain gathered at Woodbrooke, the Quaker study centre, to explore diversity and inclusion. Framed in Quaker worship, the talks and sessions looked at race, gender and class in particular. Here are some of the key things I took away from the gathering.
4 things Quakers are learning about inclusion and diversity
What does climate breakdown have to do with our work on migration?
Much of our current political discourse engages with climate change and migration each in isolation. This deflects the necessary conversations around power, distribution of resources and justice. It also divides our efforts around creating a peaceful and just world.
What does climate breakdown have to do with our work on migration?
Hearing the call of the climate crisis
It's been a momentous spring for the climate movement in the UK. Schoolchildren have led climate strikes from school. Extinction Rebellion occupied four major London streets for a week to amplify their demand that the government cut emissions to zero by 2025.
Hearing the call of the climate crisis
A brief history of Quakers and banking
Alongside famous manufacturing businesses with Quaker origins like Cadbury, Rowntree's and Clarks, there are two other household names whose early success was built by Quakers: Lloyds and Barclays. These big names in banking might not occur to you when you think of Quaker values of peace, equality and sustainability, but both were established by Quaker families. Though they no longer have a Quaker connection, Lloyds was formed in 1765, while Barclays began back in 1690.
A brief history of Quakers and banking
Learning and leading: Quaker climate action in 2020
In my first few weeks as Activism Support Coordinator at Quakers in Britain, I've been amazed at the extent, variety and creativity of Quaker action on climate change.
Learning and leading: Quaker climate action in 2020
It’s time for schools to teach the climate and ecological crisis
Strange but true: today's UK school system prepares pupils for a future that simply does not exist. This extraordinary failing has led young people to self-organise and demand school-based education that acknowledges and responds to the defining challenge of their lives: the climate crisis.
It’s time for schools to teach the climate and ecological crisis