Search results for 'Earth and Economy'

Displaying 31 - 40 of 42 in total


What does climate breakdown have to do with our work on migration?

Updated 16 May 2019

Much of our current political discourse engages with climate change and migration each in isolation. This deflects the necessary conversations around power, distribution of resources and justice. It also divides our efforts around creating a peaceful and just world.

What does climate breakdown have to do with our work on migration?


Sowing seeds for a Quaker new economy

Updated 7 September 2018

In 2015, dozens of Quakers from around the country contributed to the creation of 10 principles for an new economy rooted in Quaker values of equality, truth, simplicity and peace.

Sowing seeds for a new economy


Quakers reimagine the economic system

Updated 17 July 2018

Young adult Quakers came together this week with a common desire for a new economic system that is fairer, more sustainable and resilient. They call for urgent change and a system more focused on wellbeing and the common good.

Quaker reimagine the economy


New economy booklets

Updated 28 June 2018

june 2018 redraft introductory session plan new economy

Introductory new economy reading group session plan.docx


New economy booklets

Updated 28 June 2018

june 2018 upload of new economy session plan for booklet 4



How we can help prevent tragedies like Grenfell

Updated 28 November 2017

Booklet 7 of the new economy reading group series



Eight ways that Quakers can shape Britain’s economy for the better

Updated 24 November 2017

Thirty Quakers from around Britain recently spent a weekend in Manchester at a new economy training run by the Economics and Sustainability team and subcommittee. Together, they explored what might need to change in order to make our economy into a system that values people and the planet before profit.

8 ways that Quakers can shape Britain’s economy for the better


How do we build an economy on Quaker principles?

Updated 3 October 2017

One year ago, Quaker Peace & Social Witness began publishing a series of booklets about the new economy. Since then, Quakers in reading groups across Scotland, England and Wales have used these booklets to develop answers to the question: how do we build an economy based on Quaker principles?

How do we build an economy on Quaker principles?


How do we build an economy on Quaker principles?

Updated 18 September 2017

Booklet 6 of the new economy series - ownership in the new economy



How faith and politics can change the world

Updated 29 July 2017

In these days of political turmoil Quakers in Britain are inviting two Quaker politicians to their Yearly Meeting Gathering to explore how faith and politics can change the world.

How politics and faith can change the world