Quakers who wish to explore the policies, initiatives and questions around building a new economy are forming reading groups in their local meetings. Over 50 reading groups are now active in Scotland, England and Wales, and more are being set up all the time.

New economy reading groups launched in November 2016 and more are being set up all the time. Anyone can set up a group of their own – in fact, some local meetings now have several reading groups, to meet the needs of different people.

Get involved


    10 principles for a new economy

    Ten principles that could underpin an economic system that is compatible with Quaker values. A resource for reading groups to consider alongside the new economy booklet series.

    Set up a new economy reading group

    Quakers in Britain support Quakers with establishing reading groups that take the new economy booklets as reading material. Session plans are provided to help groups read the seven booklets and contemplate them together over a course of eight sessions. Groups prepare to take action together by reading, learning new things and discussing what comes up.

    New economy reading groups launched in November 2016. There are now 50 active reading groups across Scotland, England and Wales. Anyone can set up a group of their own – in fact, some local meetings now have several reading groups, to meet the needs of different people.

    The new economy booklets and session plans

    Getting started

    To help reading group participants lead discussions on unfamiliar topics, we have produced a number of materials that will support you. Start off with our guide to establishing a new reading group, and order free paper copies of each booklet.

    Once your group is ready to begin meeting, the session plans provided on this page will help you explore the different topics in an inclusive and Spirit-led way. Each one is provided in a Word .doc format so you can edit them to suit your group's needs.

    The first of these nine session plans comes will give structure to your first meeting, and prepare the group to move through the seven booklets together and reflect on the upcoming themes. Following session plans are provided next to the linked publication below.

    Booklet 1 – What's the economy for?

    This booklet asks what the aims of economic policy should be, and looks at different ways to measure economic success.

    Booklet 2 – Good work in the new economy

    This booklet examines employment and business structures to enhance human and non-human life.

    Booklet 3 – Energy in the new economy

    This booklet outlines how we can transition to a green and fair energy system.

    Booklet 4 – Money, banks and finance in the new economy

    This booklet explores how the banking system and money creation could be fairer.

    Booklet 5 – The role of markets in the new economy

    The booklet analyses how markets are framed within capitalist economies and how new economy markets differ.

    Booklet 6 – Ownership in the new economy

    The booklet reviews the political power of ownership and looks at examples of progressive and sustainable models for property stewardship.

    Booklet 7 – Building the new economy

    The final installment of the series sets out the resources, actions and ideas that are fundamental to our future economic wellbeing.

    Meeting for discernment

    To close the series and provide space for reflection, we have designed a session that will support discernment on building the new economy.

    Whilst this is the last of the session plans, we encourage reading groups to continue meeting and reflecting on reading that supports their learning. Join the Quaker Faith in Action mailing list and opt in to the new economy updates to get news of relevant articles, reports and books about the new economy.

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