Search results for 'Earth and Economy'

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Filtered by subject 'sustainability'

Displaying 1 - 10 of 27 in total


Climate & economic justice

Updated 5 April 2024

Quakers advocate for just economics systems that sustain people and the planet.

Climate & economic justice

Climate & economic justice

Recovering from the pandemic

Updated 13 December 2023

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected everyone around the world. It has also laid bare the deep inequalities in our economic system and society, where 'normal' was failing millions.

Recovering from the pandemic

Climate & economic justice

The spiritual basis for Quaker climate action

Updated 18 October 2024

Generations of Quakers have handed down a sacred commitment to the 'unity of creation'. To live out this commitment, Quakers are taking action to protect the climate and foster sustainable forms of prosperity.

The spiritual basis for Quaker climate action

Climate & economic justice

Climate justice

Updated 7 August 2024

As our current economic system fuels inequality and climate breakdown, Quakers seek just responses to these intertwined crises.

Climate justice

Our stories

Sanctuary Everywhere to Loving Earth

Updated 15 March 2023

Susan Mitchell of Dunblane Meeting picks up the threads between migration, climate change and war.

Sanctuary Everywhere to Loving Earth

Our stories

Remembering John Woolman outside Vanguard

Updated 11 October 2022

The Bristol EarthQuakes group organised a meeting for worship outside the Vanguard offices in the City of London.

Remembering John Woolman outside Vanguard

Our stories

Vigil for defenders of the planet

Updated 16 March 2023

Melanie Jameson shares why some Malvern Quakers are called to join Malvern XR's vigils 'in love and rage for the Earth'.

Vigil for defenders of the planet


The Clean Growth Strategy – progress, but falling far short of climate justice

Updated 20 October 2017

Last week, the government published its long-awaited Clean Growth Strategy. It's the government's attempt to answer the question of how the UK will fulfil its commitments to cut greenhouse gas emissions under international climate agreements and UK climate law.

The Clean Growth Strategy


Thousands of Quakers are divesting from fossil fuels

Updated 25 January 2018

Quakers that attend local meetings are also members of regional collectives known as area meetings. Area meetings in Britain collectively manage millions of pounds of investments, and almost half of them now have zero investment in fossil fuels. More than 30 per cent have actively chosen to divest huge sums from the fossil fuel industry.

Thousands of British Quakers are divesting from fossil fuels


Buddhists, Quakers and Catholics unite in resistance against fracking

Created 8 May 2018

As an intern at Quakers in Britain, I get to work alongside many different colleagues, including those who support Quakers who take action to keep fossil fuels in the ground. Quakers oppose hydraulic fracturing of shale gas – known as 'fracking' – as part of our testimony to sustainability. We advocate for investment in renewable energy sources as an alternative.

Buddhists, Quakers and Catholics unite in resistance against fracking