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Filtered by subject 'peace'
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Quaker organizations call for a ceasefire and humanitarian protections in Gaza
Quakers in Britain have joined American Friends Service Committee, Canadian Friends Service Committee, Friends Committee on National Legislation and the Quaker United Nations Office in calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.
Quaker organisations call for a ceasefire and humanitarian protections in Gaza
European and Middle Eastern Quakers uphold each other at a time of war
Quakers from across Europe and the Middle East gathered in Birmingham this month to share worship and work done, and to build a loving community.
European and Middle Eastern Quakers uphold each other at a time of war
6 ways our new government could build a peaceful and sustainable world
Now that the UK has a new government, many will be watching to see how Labour's campaign translates into reality. We'll be hoping, of course, that it will result in positive changes for two topics that perhaps were not as prominent in the election campaign as we would have liked: climate justice and peace.
6 ways our new government could build a peaceful and sustainable world
Peace and the general election: where do the parties stand?
Recently, I took advantage of a rare invitation to an event at the House of Commons to buttonhole the MP hosting it. The week before, I'd asked my colleagues if there was anything they'd like me to ask him. And so, amid the chink of wine glasses and the steady dispatch of canapés, I found myself enquiring of the honourable member, "What makes you feel safe?"
Peace and the general election: where do the parties stand?
Letter to the Prime Minister from the Humanitarian and Human Rights Sector on Rafah
Alongside other charities and faith organisations, Quakers in Britain have written to the Prime Minister calling on him to use the UK's diplomatic pressure to urge Israel to change course.
Letter to the Prime Minister from the Humanitarian and Human Rights Sector on Rafah
Sanctuary Everywhere to Loving Earth
Susan Mitchell of Dunblane Meeting picks up the threads between migration, climate change and war.
Sanctuary Everywhere to Loving Earth
Witnessing for peace at a time of Remembrance
As Remembrance Day approaches Quakers may find themselves having to consider whether or not to attend community commemorations, church services, parades or participate in wreath-laying. As Quakers, our natural inclination is to stay away from events which seem to glorify Britain's military past. Instead we may wish to focus on events that focus on the cost of war, and that encourage people to work for peace.
Witnessing for peace at a time of Remembrance
Rebuilding society through peacemaking and disarmament
Times of crisis expose existing inequalities and other sources of violence in society. If we are to build a humane, just and sustainable society, peacemaking and disarmament must be our guiding lights.
Rebuilding society through peacemaking and disarmament
Facing power and privilege
A 1,200 strong gathering of Quakers in London has shared their hopes and fears about the plight of the planet and how power and privilege prevent effective work for justice.
Facing power and privilege