Search results for 'Earth and Economy'

Filtered by subject 'Politics'

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Stop tinkering with tax rates and offer real reform to address poverty, charities tell Government

Updated 4 February 2025

As the Government announces a 2p cut in national insurance in its 2024 budget, Quakers have joined 90 other organisations in calling for real tax reform.

Stop tinkering with tax rates and offer real reform to address poverty, charities tell Government


Coalition of Quakers and others win major campaigning award

Updated 4 February 2025

Quakers in Britain are delighted to have won a major campaigning award alongside other organisations for their work as part of the Police Bill Alliance.

Coalition of Quakers and others win major campaigning award


Pandemic exacerbates inequalities

Updated 12 May 2020

Quakers in Britain have joined more than 30 other organisations in calling for a green and just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Quakers join call for a green and just recovery from pandemic


Quakers host Greta Thunberg and support climate activists

Updated 24 February 2020

Swedish climate activist and Nobel Prize nominee Greta Thunberg today urged everyone to listen to scientists and face the crisis of climate change. She was welcomed to Friends House by young Quakers.

Quakers host Greta Thunberg and support climate activists


Quakers challenge new government on top priorities

Updated 2 January 2020

A call to focus on criminal justice, climate justice, migrant rights, and international relations.

Quakers challenge new government on top priorities


Quakers call for bold national climate policy

Updated 11 October 2018

Quakers in Britain and Friends World Committee for Consultation are today (8 October) bringing together faith leaders and representatives from the Buddhist, Brahma Kumaris, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim and Quaker communities for an interfaith celebration of sustainable living. They are meeting as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C delivers a sharp message that the world must act now to avoid climate catastrophe. .

Quakers call for bold national climate policy