Search results for '体彩超级大乐透16074期开奖结果『』凯利凯伦软件时时彩.w6p4c8.2023年2月1日10时32分20秒.cse80wgym'

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Our stories

My daughter’s conscientious objection

Updated 15 September 2016

A Quaker parent, and school governor, reflects on a painful struggle with their 10 year-old daughter's primary school.

Challenging militarism: A 10 year-old's conscientious objection

Quaker communities news

Malvern Meeting restart children's meeting

Updated 24 April 2024

Malvern Local Meeting have recently started a regular children's meeting, to coincide with their monthly shared lunch. A group of Friends has been busy planning and organising, with support from their Local Development Worker. The first children's meeting was in January 2024. Children's meeting is now every fourth Sunday at 10.30am.

Malvern Meeting restart their children's meeting after more than 20 years


10 things the government could do to rethink security

Updated 14 November 2019

One of the good things about a new person taking over a job is that they can take a fresh look at the tasks in hand and ask: what's working? What's not? What might be out of date?It can be an opportunity for a rethink.

10 things the government could do to rethink security


Remembrance: why it matters

Updated 11 December 2022

As we enter the time of year when Britain again bows its head on Remembrance Sunday, let us look at why it is important to remember and celebrate the alternative stories.

Remembrance: why it matters


Sustainability test3

Updated 28 September 2020

Sufferings October papers

MfS 2020 10 Agenda&Papersv2 (1).pdf


Papers and minutes

Updated 28 September 2020

Sufferings October papers

MfS 2020 10 Agenda&Papersv2 (1).pdf



Updated 20 November 2019

Governance Gold Number 10 November 2019 - Prison and court register update



Campaigning for nuclear disarmament

Updated 25 November 2020

10 ways for Quakers to support the nuclear ban treaty 2020



Employment and volunteering

Updated 21 January 2016

Employers resources - example of a one-2-one meeting record



Resources for work with young people

Updated 15 December 2015

Living as a Quaker session 3b groups part 1 - 2009
