Search results for 'Earth and Economy'

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Travelling in the ministry: sharing joy and community

Updated 23 November 2023

A year ago, I started to feel led to travel in the ministry among Friends. I had read about earlier Quakers who travelled between meetings, carrying a message of hope and light, but I also knew that this had become unusual in Britain.

Travelling in the ministry: sharing joy and community


And Still We Rise: building collective action in the face of multiple crises

Updated 21 March 2024

'And Still We Rise' brought together almost 1000 people and 100 speakers from 25 different countries around the world. It was the latest event in a long tradition of hosting movements for social justice at Friends House. A tradition of movement generosity (i.e. thinking about how those with space and resources can share what they have with movements to build a peaceful and sustainable world) which Quakers in Britain is committed to practising.

And Still We Rise: building collective action in the face of multiple crises


Peace and the general election: where do the parties stand?

Updated 27 June 2024

Recently, I took advantage of a rare invitation to an event at the House of Commons to buttonhole the MP hosting it. The week before, I'd asked my colleagues if there was anything they'd like me to ask him. And so, amid the chink of wine glasses and the steady dispatch of canapés, I found myself enquiring of the honourable member, "What makes you feel safe?"

Peace and the general election: where do the parties stand?


6 ways our new government could build a peaceful and sustainable world

Updated 25 July 2024

Now that the UK has a new government, many will be watching to see how Labour's campaign translates into reality. We'll be hoping, of course, that it will result in positive changes for two topics that perhaps were not as prominent in the election campaign as we would have liked: climate justice and peace.

6 ways our new government could build a peaceful and sustainable world


Why supporting the Climate and Nature Bill matters

Updated 23 January 2025

For the past few months, the Quaker Support for Climate Action group has joined the Zero Hour campaign encouraging support for the Climate and Nature Bill (formerly the Climate Ecology and Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill). The leading to take this action comes from a deep and urgent sense that, if we don't take action now, it will be too late.

Why supporting the Climate and Nature Bill matters