Search results for 'Earth and Economy'

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Hearing the call of the climate crisis

Updated 18 February 2020

It's been a momentous spring for the climate movement in the UK. Schoolchildren have led climate strikes from school. Extinction Rebellion occupied four major London streets for a week to amplify their demand that the government cut emissions to zero by 2025.

Hearing the call of the climate crisis


A brief history of Quakers and banking

Updated 23 July 2019

Alongside famous manufacturing businesses with Quaker origins like Cadbury, Rowntree's and Clarks, there are two other household names whose early success was built by Quakers: Lloyds and Barclays. These big names in banking might not occur to you when you think of Quaker values of peace, equality and sustainability, but both were established by Quaker families. Though they no longer have a Quaker connection, Lloyds was formed in 1765, while Barclays began back in 1690.

A brief history of Quakers and banking


Learning and leading: Quaker climate action in 2020

Updated 12 July 2021

In my first few weeks as Activism Support Coordinator at Quakers in Britain, I've been amazed at the extent, variety and creativity of Quaker action on climate change.

Learning and leading: Quaker climate action in 2020


It’s time for schools to teach the climate and ecological crisis

Updated 26 February 2020

Strange but true: today's UK school system prepares pupils for a future that simply does not exist. This extraordinary failing has led young people to self-organise and demand school-based education that acknowledges and responds to the defining challenge of their lives: the climate crisis.

It’s time for schools to teach the climate and ecological crisis


What is climate justice?

Updated 29 November 2023

First written about over two decades ago and enshrined in the Bali principles of climate justice (PDF) in 2002, the term climate justice is increasingly used when we talk about climate change and the environment. But what does it mean?

What is climate justice?


It's time to Build Back Better for a safe and just future

Updated 11 June 2020

Even as the Covid-19 lockdown rules are loosened, I am hearing many people say they believe things will never get 'back to normal'. Of course, we all crave a 'normal' where we can see our friends and family, and where key workers can do their jobs without fearing for their lives. But 'normal' was a state of affairs that was failing millions of people.

Build Back Better for a safe and just future


6 principles for a green and just recovery

Updated 16 September 2020

MPs and Peers returned to Parliament last week with a busy autumn ahead of them. Key milestones will include the Budget, expected in October or November amid a major recession, and the end of the transition period, probably with no agreement in place.

6 principles for a green and just recovery


Roots and branches: sharing and supporting our Quaker work

Updated 2 December 2022

I still remember how inspired I was when I read a particular letter from a donor to Britain Yearly Meeting.

Roots and branches - sharing and supporting our Quaker work


Quaker Question Time: listening and learning together

Updated 24 September 2020

"Love the questions themselves, as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer." -- Rainer Maria Rilke

Quaker Question Time: listening and learning together


Reflecting on our action for the planet

Updated 3 February 2021

Quakers do not have a creed, a statement that sums up our core beliefs, but for centuries we have used a short list of Advices and queries to guide us to question ourselves and discern how we are each led to act. Tellingly, they are offered 'for the comfort and discomfort of Friends' while we seek our own ways forward, listening for the inner Light.

Reflecting on our action for the planet