Search results for 'Earth and Economy'

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Displaying 21 - 30 of 65 in total

Our stories

Sanctuary Everywhere to Loving Earth

Updated 15 March 2023

Susan Mitchell of Dunblane Meeting picks up the threads between migration, climate change and war.

Sanctuary Everywhere to Loving Earth

Recovering from the pandemic

Building back better resource

Updated 19 July 2023

Quakers have a long tradition of working to build a better world. This resource looks at how we can build a peaceful world which is underpinned by principles of equality and justice and how our faith can play a role in this.

Building back better Meeting for Learning series

Climate & economic justice

Exploring Faith and Climate Justice

Updated 5 April 2024

Exploring Faith and Climate Justice is a series of six booklets to help explore what climate justice really means and what it looks like in practice.

Exploring Faith and Climate Justice

Our stories

Remembering John Woolman outside Vanguard

Updated 11 October 2022

The Bristol EarthQuakes group organised a meeting for worship outside the Vanguard offices in the City of London.

Remembering John Woolman outside Vanguard

Our stories

Vigil for defenders of the planet

Updated 16 March 2023

Melanie Jameson shares why some Malvern Quakers are called to join Malvern XR's vigils 'in love and rage for the Earth'.

Vigil for defenders of the planet

Quaker life

Quakers and LGBTQ+ inclusion

Updated 18 April 2024

Quakers in Britain are an LGBTQ+ affirming faith group. We all have human gifts and friendship to offer and we believe that all can equally access the divine.

Quakers and LGBTQ+ inclusion

Quaker processes

Money and property

Updated 8 January 2024

Quaker Life gives support and guidance to role-holders in local and area Quaker settings who are responsible for money and property.

Money and property

Quaker communities news

Midlands Green Quakers network brings together those with environmental concerns for monthly learning and support

Updated 3 October 2024

Concern about the environment has moved Quakers in the Midlands to create a network to explore sustainability and climate justice together. They meet online each month to deepen their understanding, share ideas, ask questions and support each other spiritually and practically.

Midlands Green Quakers network brings together those with environmental concerns for monthly learning and support


How do we build an economy on Quaker principles?

Updated 3 October 2017

One year ago, Quaker Peace & Social Witness began publishing a series of booklets about the new economy. Since then, Quakers in reading groups across Scotland, England and Wales have used these booklets to develop answers to the question: how do we build an economy based on Quaker principles?

How do we build an economy on Quaker principles?


The Clean Growth Strategy – progress, but falling far short of climate justice

Updated 20 October 2017

Last week, the government published its long-awaited Clean Growth Strategy. It's the government's attempt to answer the question of how the UK will fulfil its commitments to cut greenhouse gas emissions under international climate agreements and UK climate law.

The Clean Growth Strategy