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Quaker communities news

Clerks Update: September 2023

Updated 13 October 2023

Issue 7 of Clerks' Update in 2023 is now available. This is a key communication channel for local and area meeting clerks.

Clerks Update: September 2023


Yearly Meeting 2023

Updated 6 March 2024

Yearly Meeting 2023


Facing the financial challenge around COVID-19

Updated 11 June 2020

Britain Yearly Meeting had a successful year financially in 2019, with exceptionally high legacy income and a strong performance from its conference and hospitality business at Friends House. Without legacies BYM's expenditure would have been more than its income. The public health crisis around COVID-19 now means that 2020 income will be significantly reduced.

Facing the financial challenge of Covid-19


Twenty years on: reflecting on 11 September attacks

Updated 11 September 2021

Twenty years ago a horrific set of terrorist attacks took place in the United States, killing and wounding thousands of people.

Twenty years on: reflecting on 11 September attacks


New move to help charities in COVID-19 crisis

Updated 14 August 2020

As charities face an unprecedented drop in fundraising income caused by the COVID-19 crisis, Quakers in Britain have added their name to the growing list of supporters calling for a temporary increase in Gift Aid.

New move to help charities in COVID-19 crisis


Church leaders united in response to Covid-19

Updated 6 April 2020

Paul Parker, the Recording Clerk for Quakers in Britain, with Church leaders from denominations across Britain and Ireland, have today issued this statement.

Church leaders united in response to Covid-19 pandemic


3 Quakers share their approach to climate justice

Updated 22 August 2018

From campaigning against slavery in the 18th century to taking on the arms trade in the 21st, Quakers have a history of working alongside other faith groups for a more just and peaceful world.

3 Quakers share their approach to climate justice


3 things to expect from the Scottish Parliament that aren’t an independence referendum

Updated 19 May 2021

The sixth session of the Scottish Parliament has now begun. While a great deal of coverage of the election has focussed on the prospect of a second independence referendum, there are other issues we should expect to see on the political horizon.

3 things to expect from the Scottish parliament that aren’t an independence referendum


3 things that East African community peace campaigners can teach us

Updated 18 February 2020

“I'm 66 years old, but my skin is still young. I think that's because of my work as a peacebuilder." Sizeli, a survivor of the Rwandan genocide, says this to me with a big smile on his face.

3 things that East African community peace campaigners can teach us


11 ways to support the arms fair protesters

Updated 25 September 2017

The Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEI) event, despite its sanitised title, is actually the world's largest arms fair. The recent week of action to stop it happening saw many inspiring acts of witness.

11 ways to support the arms fair protesters