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Quaker communities news

Clerks Update: September 2023

Updated 13 October 2023

Issue 7 of Clerks' Update in 2023 is now available. This is a key communication channel for local and area meeting clerks.

Clerks Update: September 2023

Quaker communities news

Trustee and treasurer conference 2023

Updated 23 June 2023

Quaker Life is holding a conference for trustees and treasurers at Milton Keynes and online, 22–24 September.

Trustee and treasurer conference

Quaker communities news

Quaker Life Representative Council (QLRC) Autumn 2023

Updated 19 July 2023

Bookings open for Quaker Life Representative Council (QLRC) which will be held in-person at Milton Hill House, Abingdon (OX13 6AF), and as an online blended event.

Quaker Life Representative Council (QLRC) Autumn 2023


Yearly Meeting 2023

Updated 6 March 2024

Yearly Meeting 2023


Think global, act local

Created 23 April 2018

Does your council pay the Living Wage? Make decisions about fracking? Support refugees? What does your council do to address inequality locally? These are all issues that Quakers care about and local councils influence how these issues are addressed.

Think global, act local


9 voices the Department for Education would ban from schools

Updated 8 October 2020

Recent Department for Education guidance tells headteachers in England to ensure external organisations, speakers and resources do not take "extremist" stances. These include a stated desire to abolish capitalism and "a failure to condemn illegal activities done in support of their cause". The guidance also bans "victim narratives that are harmful to British society".

9 voices the Department for Education would ban from schools


7 ways to welcome children and families to your Quaker meeting

Updated 7 February 2020

Children and young people are a valued and vital part of our Quaker community.Some Quaker meetings have vibrant children's meetings, while others only have the occasional younger visitor. Wherever your local meeting is on this spectrum, here are some tips on making it more children and family friendly.

7 ways to welcome children and families to your Quaker meeting


The role of ordinary people

Updated 25 January 2023

Ordinary people can do extraordinary things, for good and ill. We see this most starkly at extreme times, such as during the Nazi Holocaust of the 1940s. The UK remembers this each year on 27 January, and Quakers are invited to take part in Holocaust Memorial Day commemorations.

The role of ordinary people


What does Quaker community look like in 2023?

Updated 23 December 2022

Quakers are a worshipping community. Our simple way of worshipping, of seeking the leadings of the Spirit for us, depends on us coming together in groups. It is a corporate act, a recognition that the body has many members. We can worship individually, of course – and many Quakers have our own personal spiritual practices – but we recognise that seeking God's will for us is best done together.

What does Quaker community look like in 2023?


Why should we protest against DSEI?

Updated 3 August 2023

In 2019, when I was 15, I attended a protest against the Defence and Security Equipment International arms fair (DSEI) alongside hundreds of peace activists, many of whom were Quakers. We gathered outside the ExCel centre in London to block the entrance, share art, sing, and hold meetings for worship in remembrance of the countless victims of war.

Why should we protest against DSEI?