Search results for '双色球12月19号中奖号码的真实规律-『』时时彩后三杀号教程-w6p4c8-2023年2月1日10时4分56秒-t9vphtvzr-cc'

Displaying 11 - 20 of 48 in total


Church leaders united in response to Covid-19

Updated 6 April 2020

Paul Parker, the Recording Clerk for Quakers in Britain, with Church leaders from denominations across Britain and Ireland, have today issued this statement.

Church leaders united in response to Covid-19 pandemic


Quakers at National Eisteddfod 2023

Updated 7 August 2023

Quakers in Wales (Crynwyr Cymru) are taking a simple and radical approach to outreach this month, hosting a series of outdoor meetings for worship at the National Eisteddfod in North Wales from Monday 7 August.

Quaker Week in Wales


Young Quakers balance listening with speaking truth to power

Updated 13 April 2023

At Junior Yearly Meeting 2023, young Quakers explored the theme of speaking truth to power.

Young Quakers balance listening with speaking truth to power


Reflection following trustees' meeting

Updated 18 June 2020

Unusually - and appropriately - the reading in our opening worship at Britain Yearly Meeting trustees' meeting recently was not from Quaker faith & practice but from a 2014 blog by Scott Woods:

Reflection following trustees' meeting


10 things the government could do to rethink security

Updated 14 November 2019

One of the good things about a new person taking over a job is that they can take a fresh look at the tasks in hand and ask: what's working? What's not? What might be out of date?It can be an opportunity for a rethink.

10 things the government could do to rethink security


​4 ways to hold courageous conversations

Updated 18 February 2020

From Brexit to how best to stop climate breakdown, there are lots of divisive issues about.

4 ways to hold courageous conversations


A youthful Yearly Meeting

Updated 1 March 2023

Children and young people are a vital part of Yearly Meeting. They gather to look at its themes in age-appropriate ways, build community, explore Quaker faith and practice, experience worship and prayerful decision-making, and of course have lots of fun in a safe space.

A youthful Yearly Meeting


Thinking of attending Yearly Meeting?

Updated 11 January 2023

Are you coming to Yearly Meeting for the first time? Or maybe you have been before and are looking for the essential details on how to attend. Either way, welcome! It's wonderful to see so many Friends.

Thinking of attending Yearly Meeting 2023?


4 things Quakers are learning about inclusion and diversity

Updated 6 March 2019

Early in 2019 Quakers from all over Britain gathered at Woodbrooke, the Quaker study centre, to explore diversity and inclusion. Framed in Quaker worship, the talks and sessions looked at race, gender and class in particular. Here are some of the key things I took away from the gathering.

4 things Quakers are learning about inclusion and diversity


Working for peace in East Africa during the Covid-19 crisis

Updated 29 April 2020

Coronavirus has now reached East Africa. Unlike many European countries, most governments in East Africa were very quick to impose movement restrictions in an effort to lessen the spread of the virus.

Working for peace in East Africa during the Covid-19 crisis