These groups demonstrate some of the many interests and concerns that Quakers pursue as part of their wider commitment to their faith. Most groups meet up and organise activities - it's a great way to meet Quakers and make new contacts. Activities are usually open to non-Quakers. Do please contact a group if you are interested to know more about it.

The Quaker Community Bamford CIO is a registered charity. The charity's main objective is to support and explore the general, religious and charitable purposes of the Religious Society of Friends in Britain. In particular but not exclusively by:

  • providing a place of spiritual retreat and joining the live-in community in seeking to live out Quaker Testimonies in daily life.
  • sharing an understanding, exploration and development of the Religious Society of Friends by providing hospitality, spiritual and working retreats.
  • providing pastoral care of visitors and community members.
  • stewardship of land and gardens (10 acres) in line with Quaker testimony to sustainability.
  • providing a space for Friends and others for spiritual renewal, respite, and retreat.


Registered charity number: 1178584