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Displaying 1 - 10 of 43 in total

Meeting for Sufferings

Papers and minutes

Updated 12 September 2024

This page contains papers for the next meeting. It also provides links to minutes and papers for recent meetings.

Meeting for Sufferings papers and minutes

Book of Meetings

Area meetings

Updated 5 September 2024

The full listings of area meetings are listed below with generic contact email addresses for each area meeting.

Area meetings


Stansted 15 appeal upheld

Updated 29 January 2021

Today a group of nonviolent activists, known as the Stansted 15, have had their appeal upheld against being convicted under counter terrorism legislation.

Stansted 15 appeal upheld


Quakers join calls for closure of Gaza to end after 15 years of collective punishment

Updated 22 July 2022

Sixteen UK charities including Quakers in Britain, CAFOD and Christian Aid are asking the UK Government to take urgent action to end the blockade of Gaza.

Quakers join calls for closure of Gaza to end after 15 years of collective punishment


Conscientious objection: 100 years on

Updated 9 December 2022

In the midst of World War I, as conscription came into force, Quakers worked with parliament to ensure men had the right to refuse to kill. In 1916, with the Military Service Act, Britain became the first country to give legal recognition to individual conscience, now enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

A 100 years of Conscientious Objection to military service


Quakers move major event online

Updated 12 June 2020

Quakers in Britain announce that their Yearly Meeting for this year will – for the first time − be held online, on Sunday 15 November.

Quakers move major event online


Bookings to open for Quaker Gathering

Updated 17 May 2021

This summer, Quakers across Britain are set to explore a three-week festival of their faith. An adventurous Yearly Meeting Gathering will be online, with worship and sessions for all ages.

Bookings to open for Quaker Gathering


Communities of colour are over-policed and under-protected

Updated 5 June 2020

The Coronavirus Act gives police powers to detain anyone they think might be infectious. A group of human rights, racial equality, community, faith and health organisations – including Quakers – say the police powers granted to enforce lockdown are disproportionately impacting people of colour.

Communities of colour are over-policed and under-protected


Quaker solidarity with the Stansted 15 human rights activists

Updated 21 December 2018

On International Human Rights Day, the Stansted 15, who stopped a brutal and illegal deportation flight in 2017, were convicted for 'endangering an aerodrome', a terrorism-related law.

Quaker solidarity with the Stansted 15 human rights activists


Quaker faith in action in the 2010s: highlights from the decade

Updated 10 July 2024

British Quakers have been advocates for peace, equality, sustainability and integrity since the 17th century. So what have they been up to recently?

A decade of Quaker faith in action