Quakers advocate for just economics systems that sustain people and the planet.

We face interconnected challenges: extreme inequality and environmental destruction. Both are caused by an economic system founded on exploitation of people and of the earth.

Quakers in Britain are working to challenge this system and advocate for economic values rooted in equality, justice and sustainability.


Taking action for climate justice

What is climate justice and how can we take action to secure it? View this resource online.

Climate justice

People who have benefited the least from the fossil fuel era are now suffering the most from the impacts of climate breakdown. They are overwhelmingly poor people, particularly women and people of colour. These people have also been marginalised through economic exploitation and racism throughout history. Working against this inequality is climate justice.

Economic and political decision makers, including in the UK, are failing to take sufficient action on the climate crisis, and are not placing people and justice at the heart of their decision-making. They are also choosing to continue our dependence on extractive and high-emissions industries. Find out about our current climate justice work.

Our current climate justice work focuses on Make Polluters Pay and Insure Our Future. We also offer resources for Quaker groups and individuals to learn more in Exploring Faith and Climate Justice, and we work with the Climate Justice Coalition and Faith for the Climate network to campaign together for a global transition beyond fossil fuels.

Economic justice 

Quakers want an economic system that has equality, justice and environmental sustainability at its heart.

In 2011, the annual gathering of British Quakers noted that 'the global economic system is posited on continued expansion and growth, and in its pursuit of growth it is often unjust, violent and destructive.' Quaker work on economic justice springs from this understanding.

We are part of a wider movement working to build a 'new economy' that puts people and planet before profit. As well as learning more about our economic system to inform and inspire our witness, Quakers are working to challenge injustices and build positive, practical alternatives.   Find out more about our work on economic justice.

 Our work on economic inequality has included calling for a green and just recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic as part of the Build Back Better coalition, supporting Quakers to manage financial resources ethically, and offering learning resources on the new economy.

Supporting Quaker activism

As well as our organisational work on climate and economic justice, we support Quakers across Britain who are taking climate action at local level and advocating for change. This ranges from divesting from fossil fuels, to taking direct action, to lobbying local decisionmakers.

Our support for Quaker activists in many forms, such as workshops for young Quakers, coordinating Quaker involvement in national campaigns, and supporting Quaker demonstrations. Learn more about the spiritual roots of Quaker climate activism, and how to get involved.

Quakers in Britain have developed a broad library of resources that support Quakers with their work on creating a green and just new economy.

Featured blog

6 principles for a green and just recovery

10 September 2020 by Olivia Hanks

We need to come together to ensure that climate justice is central to the post-Covid future of our economy, says Olivia Hanks.

Contact us


Climate Justice Lead: 020 7663 1104

Campaigns Coordinator: 020 7663 1107