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Our stories

Celebrating sustainable living in the Peak District

Updated 22 February 2016

After 18 months of dedicated hard work by a team from Bakewell Quaker Meeting (and a few invited others) the Bakewell Green Festival finally happened. The sun shone, the participants brought their demonstrations, talks, poetry, music, dance, goods for sale, activities, animals and good humour.

Our stories

Capel Quaker Orchard

Updated 7 January 2016

In April 2012, keen to demonstrate support for the Canterbury Commitment for Quakers to become a sustainable community, Capel Local Meeting organised a 'sustainability day' in the village. 'Capel goes green' and other 'green' groups in the area were invited, including members of Dorking community orchard project. During the day, the idea was born of using the large area of unused land in the grounds of Capel Meeting House to plant a community orchard.

Our stories

Peace Hub – Quaker Peace & Justice Centre

Updated 19 January 2016

As Quakers we are called to act for peace and justice. Peace Hub seeks to provide a centre from which an inclusive community is inspired to take up this call. Peace Hub is a new venture launched by Central England Quakers in November 2014.

Our stories

Inequality affects us all: Stone Quaker vigil

Updated 7 January 2016

A hardy band braved the cold and wet to highlight issues of income inequality such as the rise of food banks, the need for a living wage and a fairer tax system.

Meeting for Sufferings

Our faith in the future

Updated 10 April 2018

Our faith in the future paints a picture of the change Friends hope for. By sharing this picture of our future we help to bring it about.

Our faith in the future

Our stories

The courage of our convictions

Updated 7 January 2016

Over the past two years South East Scotland Friends have been developing a concern about increasing militarisation in society. We heard that Edinburgh was to be a focus for Armed Forces Day, and thought it would be a good opportunity to make our concern more public. We planned a joint witness with the Scottish Peace Network.

The courage of our convictions

Our stories

Led to action on the Living Wage

Updated 8 January 2016

In November 2014 I attended the Quaker conference 'Food banks are not enough' at Bull Street Meeting House. I left feeling led to take some action on the Living Wage.

Led to action on the Living Wage

Our stories

Quaker questions to candidates

Updated 8 January 2016

In early 2015, Manchester & Warrington Area Meeting's Social Justice Group sent questions to the parliamentary candidates standing in six constituencies across the wider Manchester area. The nine questions covered peace, environment, and economic and social justice.

Quaker questions to candidates

Our stories

Engaging with the 2015 general election

Updated 8 January 2016

The words of the Quaker election guide had great resonance for us. In the months before the election we explored how we might raise awareness, stimulate debate, and educate ourselves and others about important issues.

Engaging with the 2015 general election

Our stories

Speaking up for the love of energy justice

Updated 7 June 2019

In June 2015, Totnes Quakers joined 10,000 people to lobby the UK parliament on climate action.

Speaking up for the love of energy justice